
After spending quite some time collecting history of the Azusa Street Mission for use on the web, the thought occurred, why not display some of the rich history of the Portland church on the web also so that it can easily be accessed by anyone - anywhere - anytime, so here it is. This web display of these history notes is not sponsored by the church, it is a collection brought together by Amos Morgan and posted here by permission. It is mostly about history except for the Trial-O-meter which was thrown in just for fun. We hope viewing this site brings back fond memories to the old-timers and inspires a desire to know more of our history among the young.

Where was the Campground?

Find your way to the old campgrounds

How long did camp meeting last?

A 'reasonably' accurate record of the lengths of Portland camp meetings since 1908

Who was who among the old-timers?

Match names you have heard to the era in which they lived and worked

Can you name some of these old-timers?

We think that mostly we put the correct name with the face - check us out

Early events in the Portland AF Church

Explore a brief period of our history

What was the Front & Burnside Church like?

Take a peek inside Front & B as well as other early locations

History As Told By:

What was it like going to camp meeting if you lived in Kansas City - or Portland?

Trial-o-meter A tests and trials scale

A new and more telling method to describe the severity of the trials facing you. (Just for fun)

Link to azusabooks.org home page

This link takes you to a web site about the history of the Azusa Mission in Los Angeles, California

| Home | Campground locations | Camp meeting length | Who was who | Can you name them |
| Early events | Front & Burnside | History As Told By | Trial-o-meter |
| Azusa Books & Papers | Apostolic Faith Church |
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